Progress has been made with the all inclusive new website and I can see it coming together at last. Still work to go but over the end of the year and in to 2011 that will be my big effort. I will have to upload all the pictures of products and stones etc for customers to see and choose and do a little page in Swedish for my Swedish customers too.
Talking of stones, a lot of work this week has been on stone setting. As it's the first time I have ever done this kind of work I was pleased with the initial least until the bezel splintered so low I couldn't save close but so far! I was so upset I have put the ring to one side to work on again when I have emotionally detached myself enough!
The learning curves of this new venture are huge but so worth it. To see the finished product gives me a sense of pride I have never felt before when it comes to work. Even the process of making the pieces is exciting and spurs me on as I can't wait to see the end product. However patience is the name of the game with silver work and some days I tune in better than others. I try to keep a few projects on the go at once so that they are in different stages and I can do what my mood suits best on the day.
So dates have been decided and my first party in Sweden will be on the 3rd of October and I am working flat out to get enough stock together and as many gems as I can set. I have the (healthy, adrenalin kind) fear! I want to ensure I don't run out of pieces before I go to London and then the Christmas party here in Sweden work work :o)
Opening party in Sweden: 2nd October
Opening party in England: TBC but between the 4th and the 7th of November
Christmas market in Sweden: 21st November, Horla Marknad
I have been taking some pictures of the progress on the stone setting as I do it in the studio..I will post them now and next week.....even the bit where it all goes wrong!!
My thought for the week..........
I have also had an idea to run a course next year on silver wire jewellery making. Wire is much easier to work with and you get results much faster. Whilst this is not where my work is currently focused, I think it can be a great introduction to jewellery for both adults and children.
So I leave you with pictures of the week from my studio xx