A pair of black Onyx hearts
Recently I have been wondering how to reach your target audience in today’s media frantic world where a Google search in itself can take ages to find a simple item and everyone has at least a Facebook page, a twitter account AND a multiple page website.
It is a full time job keeping those sites up to date and marketing them and the minute you take the eye off the ball the viewing numbers will drop. But is it all enough? Does it actually create sales or a name or a reputation for yourself in an industry?
Everyone has heard of Hatton Garden if they are looking for an engagement ring in London but even there you find shops that are full of counters with people selling jewellery wears and trying to make a name or a fast buck.....its ruthless these days.
Time to get smart. Without the time or the finances to go on a course for several years in the city and create contacts I need to get out there and been seen. It's the BEST advertisement anyone can have. I am in the fortunate position that my product is made to be displayed and portable so it will get the most amount of publicity just by being worn. I now need to ensure that my target audience is seeing this.....sitting in my garage or behind a computer screen all day just will not do it.
I have decided that the best way for me to do that is get back in amongst what I consider my target audience and wear my jewellery and wear it well! So the search for part time jobs back in the investment industry begins.
Everything in life is worth trying and if it doesn't work perfectly the first way then tweak it a little. I am in this company for the long run as I love making the pieces far too much to ever stop but I need that balance of exposure right now and whilst I am still young enough and can remember what to do in an office (just!) then now is the right time to mix and match.
Next week I will update on some pieces I have been working on, some tips I have learnt the hard way and how did that end of year result go?
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